Unique and Shared Activity
Unique and Shared is a valuable activity for team building because one of its objectives is to promote unity among people. This game allows the participants to realize that they have more points in common than they think.
Also, as people become aware of their own unique characteristics, they become stronger because they have something to contribute to the group. This activity is a game for the group to develop and get to know each other better.
This activity can be carried out with medium and large groups. Split the group into teams of five people.
Each group formed must be provided with sheets and pens. The dynamic is divided into two parts, the first half of the activity is the shared part.
Ask one person from each group to write down the common traits or qualities that they possess. Avoid writing things that are immediately obvious (for example, don’t write something like “everyone has hair” or “everyone wears clothes”).
The goal is for people to share their non-surface characteristics and put them on the list when everyone has them. Allow six minutes for this action and then have a spokesperson from each subgroup read the list they wrote.
And of course the second half is the unique part. On a second sheet of paper, have them write down the unique characteristics and qualities.
Each group will need to identify items that only apply to one person, they will need to find at least two unique qualities and strengths per person. Again, they will need to strive to detect qualities and strengths below the surface and beyond the obvious things that anyone can easily see.
Wait another six minutes and when the time is up, each group should share the unique qualities as follows: Have each person read the qualities of the person to their right.
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, teamwork, self