Tag: Debate
Debate Duel
In a debate duel, two people verbally confront opposing points of view, thoughts, and arguments on a specific topic
Find Powerful Words
Find Powerful Words is a fantastic group technique to exercise and build more concise and powerful affirmations
Virtual Team Building Activities
Strategically designed virtual team building activities provide communication while reinforcing a shared team identity
Traffic Light
Traffic Light is a simple, creative and fast execution strategy to process an experience and promote communication
Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions is a guessing simple game in which people try to identify a person or object in 20 questions or less
Complete the Sentence
Complete the Sentence is a simple and structured exchange strategy for groups to reflect and improve their work dynamics
Open Space Technology
The purpose of the Open Space Technology liberating structure is to liberate action and leadership in groups of any size
Pass The Knot
Pass The Knot is a fantastic brainstorming strategy that allows everyone an equal opportunity to share their ideas and participate
Agora Square
Agora Square is a powerful discussion model to explore the complexity of ideas and uncover a deeper understanding of ourselves and others
Mystery of a Bank Robbery
The mystery of a bank robbery is a complex problem-solving task for focus on effective communication
and the leadership
Mission Statement
Take your company’s mission statement and turn them into the popular Mad Lib game. To do this, remove key nouns, verbs, and adjectives
Rotate Debates
Activity Rotate Debates uses a variety of scenarios to encourage critical thinking and the ability to examine a problem from multiple angles
Structured Controversy
Structured controversy facilitates cooperative learning because controversial issues are learned and discussed from multiple perspectives
Pancakes vs Waffles
Contrary to the most of games that start high and then fun collapses, Pancakes vs Waffles becomes better with each following round
Afternoon and Bonfire
The technique of Afternoon and Bonfire is to share experiences, opinions and ideas together when reflecting on a particular topic