Appreciations Exercise

Appreciations Exercise

The Appreciations Exercise

Appreciations Exercise is an activity to take advantage of a group moment to appreciate each member of the team and encourage everyone. This method is designed to help everyone in a group receive appreciative feedback on their strengths from others.

This may be one that is out of the comfort zone for some, but it can be a very effective way to connect.

Get in a circle with your workgroup. Start with one person, and share one thing you appreciate about that person. As you go around the circle, each person adds something different or elaborates on something for that same person.

As you go around the circle, each person adds a comment. You continue around the circle until everyone has commented on that person.

Then go to the next person in the circle and do this exercise until everyone has received an appreciation comment from each person.

Some examples might be, “What I appreciate about you is how you always greet me with a smile”; “I appreciate that you always meet your deadlines and I never have to remind you”; “I appreciate you for always being willing to help me in any way”; “I appreciate that you do the dishes without asking”; “I love your smile”; “You are a fabulous cook.”

This exercise strengthens relationships and is a great self-esteem builder for people.

Moment of Reflection
  • Was it difficult to share the appreciations? Why?
  • Do you think your appreciations can inspire more self-love and confidence?
  • Has anyone had appreciations similar to yours? How did that make you feel?
  • What did you like the most about this activity? What inspired you from this exercise?
  • Why do you think this exercise is useful in the life of our group?

The topics of this publication: integrationinteractionsteamworkselffoster relationships, empathy, strengths, feedback

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