Survival Options

Survival Options

Survival Options Game

Survival Options game can be a great team-building activity that encourages teams to work together to solve problems and make collaborative decisions. It involves participants imagining that they’re stuck on an abandoned island after a shipwreck with limited survival options to choose from.

This can be a good activity to include on the itinerary for a team-building day or another kind of company event.

Create index cards, each displaying images of different survival tools and essentials, such as water, food, a knife, a flint and rope. It’s a good idea to include limited quantities of each tool or essential to encourage negotiation and collaboration between teams.

Divide players into teams of two or more, depending on group size. Distribute the game index cards among the participants randomly, each participant should receive one or two index cards.

Teams have 20 minutes to work together and exchange index cards with other teams to get the basic items they need to survive. At the end of the 20 minutes, each team must present to the large group the items they obtained and explain why they chose them to survive.

Momento of Reflection
  • How did each team agree which index cards were important and which were not?
  • Who made the decisions about which index cards choose? Did the figure of a leader emerge?
  • At the end of the activity, did the group obtain the desired index cards?
  • What are the index cards they could survive with? Why?
  • What learning can you learn from this activity?
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The topics of this publication: interactionsnegotiationargumentationstrategycooperationmake agreementsleadershipteamworkadaptation, adaptability skills, collaboration

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