The Scamper Method
The Scamper Method is a creative technique used to expand and improve on ideas by testing, questioning and tackling it using different approaches.
This process involves 7 steps and forces individuals to approach the problem they are addressing in unexpected ways. Form teams of 5–7 participants each and state the problem your group would like to solve or the idea they would like to further develop on a piece of paper.
The 7 steps are: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to use, Eliminate and Reverse
Let us use an example of a store that sells cupcakes in this case. Listed below are the relevant questions that can be asked in the process:
- Substitute — Can we change the flavour and shape of the cupcake?
- Combine — Can we combine the cupcake with an appetizer? Can we make a cupcake that would complement a glass of beer?
- Adapt — Can we cross-promote the cupcakes with other stores to gain visibility?
- Modify — Can we make really tall or tiny cupcakes?
- Put to use — Can we make cupcakes that are dog-friendly for the dog park near the store to appeal to a larger customer base?
- Eliminate — Can we make the cupcakes healthier by using less flour and icing?
- Reverse — Can we design cupcakes upside down? Can the frosting be on the inside instead?
Using pictures to interpret ideas is the key takeaway from the exercises. Unlike text, sketches are not limited to social signifiers and connotations, they provide a great avenue for discussion as they can be interpreted differently by everyone and lastly, building upon each person’s idea instils a collaborative mindset.
The main objective of the above-mentioned exercises is to push out as many ideas as possible by channelling the creative side inside us and giving our creative impulses a chance to flourish.