The Four Quadrants Activity
The Four Quadrants is an activity to break the ice, strengthen relationships, and encourage creative thinking while being visual and memorable. It’s easy to prepare and can be modified to work with any group and/or topic (just change the questions).
Sometimes pictures are better than words when it comes to helping a team get to know one another. Creative games like the four quadrants can also be especially effective at helping introverts or distanced teams share with the group.
Start by handing out sheets of paper and inviting each participant to draw a grid (a vertical and horizontal line that runs through the center of the sheet) so that four quadrants are drawn. The group will be asked four questions and each team member will draw their answer in one of the squares on the grid.
Make sure people have colored pencils and markers on hand to make the activity colorful.
Example of the questions (remember that you can modify them and adjust them to your team):
- What do you BRING to this organization?
- What do you NEED from this team?
- What LEGACY do you want to help create through this organization?
- What is one event that FUNDAMENTALLY shaped your life?
Allow 5 to 10 minutes for them to work individually. Then, regroup and give each person 4-10 minutes (depending on your time frame) to share their chart and responses with the group.
Moment of Reflection
Allow a final space of a few minutes for people to share and celebrate the completed task.
- Did you find the activity rewarding? Why?
- What surprised you about the drawings you made? Did you notice similarities with other people’s drawings?
- What final reflection can you make after having shared and seen the quadrants of the entire group?
The topics of this publication: reflection, self, mindfulness, creativity, emotions, honesty, trust, integration, foster relationships