The Follow the Pattern Game
Follow the Pattern is an introductory icebreaker that energizes the group and creates a fun and chaotic moment.
Gather your group in a circle. Begin by explaining to the group that their task will be to follow and maintain a particular pattern of movements.
The pattern will travel to the right around the circle, ie anti-clockwise direction. By means of demonstration, direct one person to perform a little jump on their spot.
This immediately causes the person to their right to clap. The next person to the right is then invited to spin or turn around 360 degrees, just once.
Finally, the next person (to the right) will enter the circle and run to any spot between two people on the other side of the circle. Upon arrival to this new spot in the circle, this person re-starts the sequence of movements by jumping on their new spot, and the person to their right claps, etc.
This routine of jump, clap, spin and run continues over and over. Encourage your group to prompt others to maintain the pace and pattern.
Allow the activity to continue until just before you think the energy and fun have peaked.
To close the activity, invite your group to reflect on the experience. What did you notice as you engaged in the activity? What, if any, connections can you make from this activity to other aspects of your life?
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, disinhibition, energize, distension