Game of the Treasures

Game of the Treasures

The Game of Treasures

Game of the Treasures is a kind of urgent treasure hunt to inspire creativity, promote collaboration and teamwork.

Split your group into two or more smaller teams of about 2 to 6 people. Ask each team to find a spot to sit together that is roughly an equal distance away from you.

Explain that you will soon announce a series of random, yet generally common objects or things, and the first group to present these things to you will win that round. Announce an object from a list of objects (you have prepared in advance.)

This is a list of possible things or objects to request from the groups:

  • Shoelace
  • Driver’s License
  • 6 shoes tied together
  • Flower
  • Tennis ball
  • 3 belts hooked together
  • Stub of a movie ticket
  • Handkerchief
  • Cardboard box
  • Feather
  • Comb

Instruct your teams to produce or collect the stated object as quickly as possible. To avoid the inevitable crush of groups rushing at you from time to time, allow only one person from each team to approach you.

The first person to present the object to you will earn a point for their team. Announce the next item on your list, and repeat.

Continue until all of the items on your list have been announced and presented. The team with the most points wins.

Moment of Reflection
  • How did your group decide to meet each challenge?
  • Did your group specialise in any way?
  • Was there a time when your group was creative? Example?
  • How was your group challenged during the exercise?
  • What role did you (personally) play? Did you feel that your role was useful? Important?
See also  Everyone Talks

The topics of this publication: integrationinteractionsteamwork, foster relationships

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