Group Order Game
Group Order is an energizing activity that helps members of a group get to know each other, network, and recognize what they have in common.
Play upbeat music and ask people to walk freely around the room for about a minute. Blow the whistle and ask the participants to line up, according to a specific criterion, for example: number of pets you own.
Después de que los participantes se alineen, haga sonar el silbato y pídales nuevamente que caminen por la sala durante aproximadamente un minuto. Blow the whistle and ask the participants to line up, according to a specific criterion from this list:
- Distance from home to the workplace
- Birth date in the calendar year
- Number of different countries visited
- Number of letters in his or her middle name
- Prefers sweet food to salty food
Blow the whistle again and have the participants line up according to a different criterion. Repeat the procedure as time allows.
To finish, invite the group to reflect on the game experience. What new things did you learn about other members of your group in this exercise? Were you surprised by any new information? Why?
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, disinhibition, distension, foster relationships