Team up with the Hula-Hoop Challenge
Hula-Hoop Challenge is a team-building game that builds trust and gives people the opportunity to solve problems together. Cooperation is the key ingredient for success in this team-based activity.
This activity is ideal to do with large groups. It is recommended that the team be made up of at least 10 people.
Gather your team and announce that they must complete a challenge in the shortest time possible. To do this, they will be allowed 3 attempts, ideally they will record the best time on the last attempt.
Ask them to form a large circle and hold hands. Before all hands are held, hang a hula-hoop on the arm of one of the participants.
Each person in the circle must pass their body through the center of the hoop and slide it with their arm towards the person on their right. The person who receives the hoop must complete the same mission of being crossed by the hoop.
The challenge ends when the hoop goes around the entire circle and returns to its starting position, and the participants never let go of their hands. Announce that the timer will start when the hoop first moves and will stop when it reaches its starting position.
Once all questions have been answered, allow up to 5 minutes for the team to strategize (they may change locations in the circle) before timing the first attempt. Allow 3 attempts with discussion between each attempt to improve the grade.
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, disinhibition, distension, foster relationships, strategy, collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, adaptability skills, adaptation, energize, planning, motivation