Pass and Receive an Imaginary Impulse
Imaginary impulse is a fun game that involves movements and sounds to improve observation skills and energize the group.
Form a circle, including yourself, with people standing close to their neighbours. Your group’s goal is to pass and receive an imaginary impulse around the circle as fast and as effectively as possible.
Sending and receiving an impulse involves using your index finger to make a big circle in front of your upper torso and finish by pointing to your left or right.
For example, to pass the impulse to the left, one must use their right hand and index finger turning clockwise to point to the left. Or, to pass the impulse to the right, one must use their left hand and index finger turning anti-clockwise to point to the right.
To receive the impulse from the right, the receiver must use their left hand turning anti-clockwise to make a big circle in front of their body and finish by touching the pointing index finger of their neighbour the sender. Or, to receive the impulse from the left, the receiver must use their right hand turning clockwise to make a big circle in front of their body and finish by touching the pointing index finger of their neighbour the sender.
Note, for the impulse to pass, the index finger of the sender must connect with the index finger of the receiver. With each move, the sending and receiving will be accompanied by the sound effect “SWAP.”
Once an impulse has been received, this person may choose to send the impulse in the same or opposite direction instantly, by making the appropriate action. A person who does not wish to receive the impulse may hold up the palm of their receiving hand and say “STOP” to direct the sender to pass the impulse in the other direction.
Once started, the imaginary impulse will travel in both directions around the circle.
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, observation skills