The Use What You Have Activity
The activity use what you have is ideal for team problem solving, with a strong combination of creativity. It also brings an element of fun and maker-ism into the mix, with the added twist of learning how to solve a problem with reduced options.
Divide your team into equal groups. Create a specific project with clear restrictions and a goal.
For example, you might have your team create a device that involves movement without electricity, and moves a golf ball from point A to point B. The challenge is completely up to you.
Then give each team the same supplies to work from, or create a pile of available supplies in the middle of the room. Give them a specific time to complete the project, making sure to mention that they can only use what is available, though how they use it is completely up to them.
The final reveal is a fun event, and a great opportunity for your team to compete.
The topics of this publication: interactions, strategy, teamwork, collaboration, creativity, imagination