Appreciative Questions

Appreciative Questions

Appreciative Questions Activity

Appreciative questions are those that connect us with the ability to see something new in a situation, resignify facts, recognize hidden qualities or potentialities. These questions connect us to someone or something from a generous and loving place in ourselves.

We suggest including up to three appreciative questions for circle participants to share their appreciative thoughts and experiences.

El número mínimo de participantes es 3 y el máximo 16. Este es un número cómodo para que todos escuchen y compartan.

During the rounds, each one will have their turn to speak. The participant who feels ready to contribute can start.

After contributing his/her thought, the floor is given to the person on their left or right side and so on, that is, the round continues clockwise or counter-clockwise, as per the appreciative circle facilitator invitation. No one is required to share. If a participant wishes to share but is not ready at the time the round reaches him/her, the host may pass the turn and return to him or her at the end of the round.

Note that the rounds do not imply response, dialogue or debate; When I finish my contribution, I turn to the next person until everyone has contributed.

When the round is finished, a new appreciative question is offered by the host. In this way, no one responds or debates contributions brought by others; participants just welcome, receive openly and continue in the circle flow.

Examples of appreciative questions:
  1. What am I celebrating today / this week?
  2. What qualities did I discover in myself this month that I didn’t know I had?
  3. While connecting to a challenging situation I am facing, where have I found support, and which qualities do I recognize in this person / something that has supported me?
  4. When I review the achievements I’m most proud of, can I name 3 people who helped me get there? What characteristics do I admire in them?
  5. Look around at your surroundings: what is most beautiful about this place?
  6. Go over your day yesterday and see if you’ve had any unusual encounters with anyone: what did you find out about this person / relationship you didn’t know yet?
  7. What do you enjoy most about your neighborhood (or where you grew up)?
  8. What is your favorite place in town and why? (What emotions does this place arouse in you?)
  9. What have you learned this week?
  10. Appreciate a quality in the person on your left / right.
See also  Helping Heuristics

The topics of this publication: integrationself, reflectionhonesty, foster relationships

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