Appreciative Questions Activity
Appreciative questions are those that connect us with the ability to see something new in a situation, resignify facts, recognize hidden qualities or potentialities. These questions connect us to someone or something from a generous and loving place in ourselves.
We suggest including up to three appreciative questions for circle participants to share their appreciative thoughts and experiences.
El número mínimo de participantes es 3 y el máximo 16. Este es un número cómodo para que todos escuchen y compartan.
During the rounds, each one will have their turn to speak. The participant who feels ready to contribute can start.
After contributing his/her thought, the floor is given to the person on their left or right side and so on, that is, the round continues clockwise or counter-clockwise, as per the appreciative circle facilitator invitation. No one is required to share. If a participant wishes to share but is not ready at the time the round reaches him/her, the host may pass the turn and return to him or her at the end of the round.
Note that the rounds do not imply response, dialogue or debate; When I finish my contribution, I turn to the next person until everyone has contributed.
When the round is finished, a new appreciative question is offered by the host. In this way, no one responds or debates contributions brought by others; participants just welcome, receive openly and continue in the circle flow.
Examples of appreciative questions:
- What am I celebrating today / this week?
- What qualities did I discover in myself this month that I didn’t know I had?
- While connecting to a challenging situation I am facing, where have I found support, and which qualities do I recognize in this person / something that has supported me?
- When I review the achievements I’m most proud of, can I name 3 people who helped me get there? What characteristics do I admire in them?
- Look around at your surroundings: what is most beautiful about this place?
- Go over your day yesterday and see if you’ve had any unusual encounters with anyone: what did you find out about this person / relationship you didn’t know yet?
- What do you enjoy most about your neighborhood (or where you grew up)?
- What is your favorite place in town and why? (What emotions does this place arouse in you?)
- What have you learned this week?
- Appreciate a quality in the person on your left / right.
The topics of this publication: integration, self, reflection, honesty, foster relationships