The I Know That Activity
The activity “I know that” is one of the best ways to build confidence on a team is encouraging people to be an expert in their field. Most team members share their professional expertise with their team every day, but they don’t often get the chance to show other areas of expertise.
A great exercise is having each team member teach the group something. This could be anything from how to make sushi, to how to read sheet music, to how to arrange flowers, to 10 words in other language.
The goal here is giving each team member a few minutes to teach the group something non-work related. You give each person 15 minutes to share their knowledge.
You could have a teaching day, where everyone shares or you could assign one person a week. This is a great way to kick off a weekly meeting, with a new teacher each week.
Do this in one big teaching day or at the start of each meeting until every person on your team has had a turn to go.
This activity is very effective at building trust because you are giving team members a chance to show off in a safe way. This is also a great way for team members to learn about each other.
The best part is, they choose what they teach. Simple or complex — it’s up to them!
The topics of this publication: trust, interactions