The Album Cover Activity
Album Cover is a ideal activity to promote creativity, encourage collaboration and stimulate group reflection.
Distribute large sheets of paper and markers/pens to each small groups. Pens work okay, but coloured markers are much better.
Then, instruct the groups to shape the paper into a square, all album covers are square, and to use the next 15 to 20 minutes designing their own music album cover.
Instruct each group to design and create a colourful album cover featuring images, album cover title and song names.
This is a reflection exercise, lead each small group to choose album titles and songs that reflect something about a particular learning experience. For example, at the end of a 3-day workshop, this would be an ideal thought-provoking exercise because the program would have been packed with many experiences and challenges.
Allow plenty of time for reflection and expect the production of many works of art with wonderful titles and songs. Invite the small groups to share their artwork and titles with the entire large group.
Moment of Reflection
- Do you think this exercise helped you in any way? Why?
- How difficult was it for you to rethink the experience?
- What helped you the most in the small group to rethink or see the experience differently?
The topics of this publication: self, emotions, reflection, creativity, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, interactions