Friendly Flyers

Friendly Flyers

Friendly Flyers Activity

The goals of the friendly flyers activity are to develop a competitive spirit while learning about the group you are working with. You need paper, pens, and your group’s imagination!

Split groups of two – each group should have a few pieces of paper and pens – and use a large area. Keep distance between groups.

Each group must try to build an aerodynamic paper airplane from the paper provided that will be able to fly the farthest in a paper airplane contest. After constructing the airplane, each group member must write characteristics they think are important about themselves on each side of the plane, or on the inside.

Conduct a flying contest to see which plane can go the farthest. The plane that went the longest distance will be the first one for the rest of the team to try and guess – the object is to guess which plane belongs to which group based on the characteristics written on the sides of the plane.

After everyone guesses which airplane is which, the correct answers are revealed. Repeat with all planes according to distance, with the closest plane guessed last.

People learn about their peers while building the paper plane. They then learn about the rest of their group when they do the personality matching activity.

The topics of this publication: integrationteamworkreflectioncreativity, interactions

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