The Best Moments of my Life
The Best Moments of My Life is great for building trust, strengthening relationships, and promoting empathy and sympathy.
This team building activity requires participants to move out of their comfort zones. Instruct your team to spend a few minutes contemplating the best moments of their lives.
Then ask them to decide which 30 seconds of their life they would relive again if they had the chance. Now, ask each team member to share their memory out loud.
Be prepared for some to share very sensitive and emotional moments in their life. When facilitating this don’t be too quick to jump in, let silence allow people to feel what is being shared.
As coordinator of the team leading the activity, it is also ideal for you to share your own memory. Your participation goes a long way towards breaking down barriers and creating more trust.
At the end of the activity, allow a few minutes for people to reflect on the benefits of exercise.
Moment of Reflection
- How did you feel when remembering the best moments of your lives? Did reliving those moments help you at all?
- Were these moments significant in the formation of your lives? Why?
- How do you feel about the information you shared with the group? And how do you feel about the information you heard from other people?
The topics of this publication: mindfulness, empathy, trust, active listening, integration, interactions, self, reflection, foster relationships, emotions