Mural Masterpiece Activity
Mural Masterpiece is quite simply one of the most effective, memorable and meaningful exercise team builds around. Team members create works of art that they will then arrange into a mural.
This is a great activity for helping teams stay mindful of “seeing the bigger picture” in their professional lives. As in most areas of life, it’s all about communication, collaboration and pulling together in the same direction.
Give each team member a small canvas and art supplies, such as paintbrushes and watercolors. Allow enough time for each person to create their own work of art.
When they are finished, they will be challenged to combine the pieces to form a single mural that represents them as a team.
No one needs to feel intimidated by the creative process, be clear with your instructions to people. You have a blank canvas to paint what you want, without restrictions, let yourself be carried away by free creation.
La obra de arte final es un gran mural que se podrá exhibir permanentemente en la oficina como un recordatorio notable de lo que todos pueden lograr mediante el poder de la colaboración.
To close the activity, invite people to share the meaning of their artwork.
Moment of Reflection
- Do you think this exercise helped you in some way to understand that your singularity is at the same time part of a plurality?
- How difficult was it for you to create freely on the white canvas?
- Did it motivate you to build a large mural with the contribution of everyone’s pieces?
- Was it a challenge to fit all the pieces into a large work of art? Why?
The topics of this publication: interactions, self, creativity, emotions, teamwork, imagination, motivation, wellbeing, collaboration, cooperation, integration, foster relationships, disinhibition, distension, energize