Open Fist Activity
Open Fist is an activity to make people discover a common interest in the team and thus increase cohesion and productivity.
Finding you have things in common with other team members is one of the cornerstones of effective teamwork and communication. While conversation games or other team building activities might ask for an in-depth approach, Open Fist helps teams bond with a simple, effective activity.
Sharing little known facts about ourselves can help teams be more cohesive and by limiting the number of shared facts to the amount of fingers on a hand, this quick team building activity can fit into an agenda with ease.
Ask participants to sit in a circle and raise their right fist. The first player calls out an interesting little known fact about herself. (Examples: I have traveled to Paris, I like science fiction novels, or I play the guitar.)
Ask the other participants to open one finger from their fist if this statement is also true for them.
Then, ask the first player to point to any other player who will then become the second player. Repeat the process so that everyone has a chance to share a little-known fact or until someone’s fist is fully open.
In this activity it is important to encourage conversation and interaction. Give participants time to talk and learn more about what they have in common.
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, disinhibition, distension, foster relationships