Pass The Clay

Pass The Clay

Pass The Clay Game

The objective of this activity is to pass the clay to work as a team and build a structure with the creative input of all. Break the group up into teams of four to six members each and give each team a large lump of clay. Each team must sit in a circle so that they can easily pass the clay around.

Start with one team member holding the clay. The leader shouts out a object, scene or something else that can bemade out of clay, on the “go” signal the first person begins to build as fast as they can.

Sculpture Ideas: a bus, a clown, a animal, a plate of spagetti, a house.

After a few seconds the leader blows the whistle and the clay must be passed to the next person who picks up where the first person left off. Continue in this manner with the leader frequently blowing the whistle at irregular intervals.

On the “stop” signal, the person holding the clay must set it down. At the end of each round allow each group to show their creation to the rest of the group, with any description or story they want to make up about it.

You may do several rounds of this fast-paced game with a different person stanrting with the clay each time.

Momento of Reflection
  • Would this task have been easier or harder if you were by yourself?
  • Does being on a team make life easier or harder for you?
  • Did some of you get more time with the clay than others? How did this make you feel?
  • Do you ever feel like you put more effort or less effort into a project than other people do who are on your team? How does this make you feel?
  • What is the advantage of being part of a team? Are there any disadvantages?

The topics of this publication: teamworkcollaborationcreativity, interactions

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