The Pay-Off Game

The Pay-Off Game

The Pay-Off and Trust-Building Game

The Pay-Off is an interesting and challenging trust-building game to explore the impacts of competition between people.

Form four teams of roughly an equal number of people. Invite each team to sit in an area located well away from all other teams.

Distribute one card of each of the two colours, eg red and black to each team. Announce that the objective of this game is to win as many points as possible over the course of 8 rounds.

All teams start with zero points. Display the Pay-Off formula and allow each team to study how points can be won or lost.

Pay-Off formula

  • 4 red cards and 0 black card, all teams lose 10 points
  • 3 red cards and 1 black card, red win 10 points and black lose 30 points
  • 2 red cards and 2 black cards, red win 20 points and black lose 20 points
  • 1 red card and 3 black cards, red win 30 points and black lose 10 points
  • 0 red card and 4 black cards, all teams win 10 points

Under no circumstances are any teams or players entitled to communicate with others at any time during the game, unless directed by you. Before each round, allow one minute for each team to agree on which one of the two coloured cards they will present (secretly) to the other teams.

When ready, ask each team to reveal their card simultaneously. After each round, record the score won or lost for each team for all to see.

Progress to the next round and continue as above.
At the end of the last round, announce the winners and losers.

Conclude by facilitating a group discussion to reflect on the results of the game.

Moment of Reflection
  • What was the maximum group pay-off possible, ie if every group played red every round? What do you notice about this possible result with your actual results?
  • How do you reconcile this result with the stated objective of the game, ie “earn as many points as you can?”
  • How did you interpret or understand the words “you” in this instance?
  • Did any individual or team consider playing in a manner in which every team won?
  • How difficult was it for all members of one team to achieve consensus?
  • What matters or attributes did your teams discuss before making a decision? Why?
  • How did you make decisions as a team? Describe the process.
  • What feelings did you experience during the game? Why?
  • How might the behaviours we saw here relate to other situations in our life?
  • What have we learned from this game that could help us in our relationships with others?

The topics of this publication: interactionsadaptationteamworktrust, reflectioncritical thinking

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