The Tied Together Game
A great, easy game for building relationships and getting people to work together is the tied together game. Teammates are tied together by the wrist and must complete a series of simple tasks.
To be successful, everyone has to collaborate closely and communicate well. The objective is focus on teamwork, build relationships and communicate clearly
Grab shoe laces, zip ties, cloth strips or anything that can be used to tie two people at the wrists comfortably. Ask all players to form a circle, facing inwards.
Ask them to place their arms at their sides. Place all necessary items for completing the tasks in the center of the circle.
Use shoe laces or cloth strips to tie each person’s wrists to his/her neighbor’s until the entire group is tied together. Now ask the team to complete a series of tasks from the objects placed in the circle.
Example tasks include making a Lego structure, wrapping a present, building a bridge, pour a glass of water, etc.
Since teammates are all tied together, they will have to communicate clearly and collaborate well to complete these seemingly simple tasks. You can add a time limit to increase the difficulty.
Simple tasks become harder and some harder tasks become easier when you’re forced to work so closely with your teammates. Focus on the collaborative aspects of this game.
Successful teams usually approach each task with a fixed plan and delegate authority well, choosing leaders and coordinating well.
The topics of this publication: interactions, strategy, collaboration, leadership, teamwork, cooperation, integration