Ice Breaking Activities: Which is Uncomfortable Condition to a More Comfortable Condition
Ice breaking activities can be held in several events, such as office meetings, seminars, training, family gatherings, and learning activities.
Ice breaking has a general understanding as an activity that is followed by a person or group of people to “break the ice” which is considered an uncomfortable condition to a more comfortable condition. This uncomfortable condition can occur due to many factors such as differences in age, gender, and various other life backgrounds.
With ice breaking, situations and conditions that were originally uncomfortable and stiff, such as “frozen ice” become more comfortable. As a result, a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere will be created for all event participants.
Ice Breaker Benefits
This activities have various benefits for the participants. First, ice-breaking activities can create a conducive situation.
An event will not be able to run smoothly if the conditions are not conducive. With the ice-breaking activity, the situation that was originally not conducive becomes more conducive.
In addition, this activities can increase solidarity between participants.
It is possible that the participants do not know each other. With this ice-breaking activity, the participants can get to know each other.
Most importantly, doing ice-breaking activities can train our concentration.
Concentration is an important factor in doing some activities. With concentration, the participants can follow and understand the event well.
Here are some fun exercises to play: https://en.dinamicasgrupales.com.ar/category/activities-and-games/icebreaker/
(Reference: https://www.hashmicro.com/blog/ice-breaking/)