The Technique of Sharing a Secret
Sharing a Secret is a technique for making yourself heard or getting the attention of your group without having to shout or raise your voice. It is true that this technique is more suitable to be used with groups of young people than with groups of adults.
This is a simple and effective technique to get your group’s attention without raising your voice. It is entirely possible to be heard and have a voice left to use at the end of the day.
Stand in front of your group where they can see you and implement the following strategy.
Pretend you share a secret, speak very quietly. Soon enough, a wave of recognition will flow through the group that says, “SSHHHHH…”
Make sure the initial things you say are nonsense, otherwise chances are some of the slower people in your group are missing something important. Continúe con este enfoque hasta que haya ganado con éxito la atención de su grupo.
Strategies like the ones described above are very useful in large groups because they take care of your voice. Constantly addressing a large group by speaking loudly will do two things: you’ll quickly lose or damage your voice, and your group will get used to you yelling at them and gradually talk even louder so they’ll hear you.