Move Like an Animal

Move Like an Animal

The Move Like an Animal Exercise

Move like an animal is a guided group stretching exercise for relax, inspires imagination and motivate movement.

Gather your group to sit in a circle with enough space between everyone to move freely. Announce that you will soon lead your group through a brief movement exercise.

Facilitate the exercise step by step as guided by the script.

  • Once you are seated comfortably, take these next few moments to relax.
  • Turn your gaze downward towards the floor or close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Take a minute to think of your favourite animal, or maybe an animal that you find
    funny or interesting.
  • Is it a wild animal, a sea animal? Or a childhood pet?
  • Now, let’s think of their behaviour. How do they walk, how do they stretch? What
    sounds do they make when they breathe? Do they have four legs?
  • If you aren’t sure how they act, this is a great time to use your imagination.
  • It’s time to start breathing like your animal.
  • Without judgment, begin to breathe like your chosen animal. Remember to breathe
    slowly, like your animal at rest.
  • Now begin to stretch like this animal. You may wish to stand, sit, or lie down.
  • If it helps you feel more comfortable, you may close your eyes. Just be careful of
    your surroundings if you are moving.
  • Does your animal reach up high or stand on one leg? Again, you may use your
  • We only need to take inspiration from this animal – we don’t need to be accurate.
  • Remember, there are no wrong movements. Get into your character and move
    however you feel is right.
  • Stretch out your arms, legs, and torso. Slowly move your head from one side to
    another. Focus on all of your limbs, releasing any tension you may be holding onto.
  • Take some time to combine your animal’s breathing and movements.
  • When you’re ready, you can open your eyes to meet us back here

Conclude by gently inviting your group back to their own identity.

The topics of this publication: healthrelaxationwellbeingself

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