The Anchor Breath Meditation
Anchor Breath Meditation is a powerful and simple mindful breathing exercise and relaxation activity for all groups.
Read the following instructions to lead this meditative breathing exercise.
- Once you are seated comfortably, take these next few seconds to relax.
- Take a big deep breath to relax more deeply.
- I will now guide you through a simple meditation.
- First, we will start by finding our anchor spot.
- Place your hands on your chest, stomach, or simply place your finger under your
nose – whatever you feel most comfortable with. - These are our anchor points.
- Here, we can physically feel our breaths traveling through our bodies.
- Once you are ready, take a deep breath in.
- Feel the air travel through your chest and fill up your belly.
- Notice your hand move with your belly as it fills up with air.
- Focus on how you feel in this present moment, letting go of everything else.
- Now, we are going to slowly breathe out.
- Feel the exhale lower your belly and travel out through your nose or mouth,
whatever feels right for you. - Feel the air on your finger— is it warm?
- Feel your hand sink on your belly as you breathe out.
- If you feel distracted, go back to your anchor spot.
- Place both hands on your belly if it helps you.
- Now, let’s take a few more deep breaths. In and out.
- Let go of any unwanted tension and focus solely on your breath and the anchor
point you have chosen. - You can do this a few more rounds at your own pace
- When ready, bring awareness to your fingers and toes, and then you can open your
Moment of Reflection
- What did you like most about this activity?
- What did you notice in your body?
- What did you notice in your mind?
- How did you feel before and after the activity?
- Where did you notice tension?
- Where did you notice ease?
- What’s one word that describes your experience?
- Where can you see yourself using this practice?
- What did you find helpful about it?
- What did you find hard about the activity?
- Did your mind feel quiet or busy?
- How long did it take for you to feel relaxed?
The topics of this publication: health, relaxation, wellbeing, self, mindfulness
(Source: Mindful Games book by Susan Kaiser Greenland)