Blind Count Off Game
Blind Count Off is a fantastic and fun guessing game that focuses on listening skills, patience, persistence, and strategy.
The group have to count as high as they can out loud with only one person saying a number at a time. But the participants cannot agree when to talk or look at each other.
The ideal group size is 5 to 40 depending on the size of the area used.
Arrange group members in a circle. Get the group members to turn around so that their back is facing the middle of the circle.
Tell group members to count as high as they possibly can out loud with only one person saying a number at a time. There can be no planning and everyone must speak once before someone can say another number.
If two people say the same number at the same time or a number is said twice, the group must start over again.
You can vary the challenge by setting a specific number to count up or count down.
The topics of this publication: interactions, strategy, teamwork