The Pattern of Shoe Soles
Shoe Soles is a weird and fun grouping technique to encourage people to interact in a group and form random pairs.
You need not provide many information. This activity is no more complicated than asking your group to form partners based on the sole pattern of their shoes.
Each person aims to find one other person whose sole of their shoe is similar to their own. Allow a few moments for your group to mingle to discern matching attributes.
Individuals may form partnerships based on the colour, tread-pattern, size or even the texture of their shoe soles. No matter the choice, the important is the interaction which ensues, and the diverse and random matching of individuals in your group.
It’s not necessary for people to take their shoes off to complete this simple task, but if it’s easier, there’s no reason not to. Make sure each individual has found a partner before starting the other activity.
If you have time, and just for fun, invite one or more of your new “sole mates” to describe the matching attribute of their soles.
It is advisable not to apply this proposal in very large groups because it would take a long time and it would stop being an agile and entertaining initiative.
The topics of this publication: interactions, distension, disinhibition