Map Connections and Strengthen the Network With Social Network Webbing
Liberating Structures’ Social Network Webbing makes it easier to identify opportunities to build stronger, new connections.
This activity is a process for members of a core working group with a shared purpose to create a map of their network and to decide how to expand and strengthen it. The map includes people they are currently working with as well as those they would like to include in the future (i.e., people with influence or expertise they need to achieve their purpose).
The inclusive approach makes the network visible and understandable to everybody in the group simultaneously. It encourages individuals to take the initiative for building a stronger network rather than receiving directions through top-down assignments.
Four Structural Elements
1. Structuring Invitation
- Invite the members of a core working group with a shared purpose to create a map of their network and to decide how to expand and strengthen it
- Ask them to name the people they are currently working with and those they would like to include in the future (i.e., people with influence or expertise they need to achieve their purpose)
- Invite them to “weave” connections in the network web to advance their purpose
2. How Space Is Arranged and Materials Needed
- A long open wall with a tapestry paper or multiple flip-chart pages
- 2-by-2-inch Post-it notes in at least 8 colors
- Bold-tip black pens (e.g., Sharpies)
3. How Participation Is Distributed
- Everyone involved in the core working or planning group is included
- Everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute
- 1-2-4-All to generate the names of all the key groups
- Everyone together to generate the names of people in the network and construct the map
4. Sequence of Steps and Time Allocation
- Create a legend of all the key groups in the network needed to achieve your purpose and assign a Post-it color or symbol for each. 5 min.
Every core group member prints clearly his or her name on a Post-it. Put the Post-its in a group in the center of the wall. 5 min. - Ask all core group members, “What people do you know that are active in this work?” Tell them to create a Post-it with each of their names. Ask them to arrange the Post-its based on each person’s degrees of separation from each design group member. 10 min.
- Ask all core group members, “Who else would you like to include in this work?” Invite them to brainstorm and create Post-its for the other people they would like to include. Ask them to build the map of Post-its as a web with a core and periphery structure (mimicking the actual and desired spread of participation). Individuals is this group may your your friends’ friends. New legend categories and colors may be needed as the webbing expands. 10 min.
- Tell the core group to step back and ask, “Who knows whom? Who has influence and expertise? Who can block progress? Who can boost progress?” Ask them to illustrate the answers with connecting lines. 15 min.
- Ask the group to devise strategies to: 1) invite, attract, and “weave” new people into their work; 2) work around blockages; and 3) boost progress. 10 min.
Purposes and Objectives
- Tap the informal connections that have indirect yet powerful influence on behavior and results
- Disseminate knowledge and innovation across scales and through boundaries—within and beyond the organization
- Help people see connections and “black holes”
- Help people self-organize and develop groups that are more resilient and able to absorb disruptions
- Operate without big budgets and extensive planning by tapping the informal social networks and inviting people to contribute.
- Ask the core group to focus on developing a core group that gets things done and a diverse periphery that adds new ideas and growth. The periphery is often in your Friends’ Friends network and they may be very helpful.
- Encourage members to dream BIG when considering whom they want to include in the future
- Do not include more than 10 functions or distinct groups in the legend: it gets too confusing!
- Write down people’s names whenever possible instead of positions/titles
- When weaving and connecting people, tell core members to think small (e.g., pairs, small interest groups)
- For a hospital core team working to engage everyone in preventing the spread of infections
- For middle managers in a financial organization to develop prototypes and launch new products in multiple markets
- For provincial government leaders “translating” policy-to-practice initiatives across diverse settings
- For expanding the use of a new technology, the early adopters gathered and mapped out their network to identify potential new users