Bizarre Alphabet

Bizarre Alphabet

The Bizarre Alphabet

Bizarre Alphabet is one of the most engaging and energizing activities for large groups to get moving and having fun. This exercise is a group game to introduce the knowledge of the names of the people of the new groups in formation.

In advance, create one or more posters that display a series of movements and sounds associated with letters represented by the English A to Z alphabet.

For example:

  • A may be represented by 2 x laps,
  • B could be a Star Jump,
  • C is identified as Stamping Your Foot x 3, etc.

When ready, show the poster to your audience. Invite them to stand up, study this bizarre new alphabet for a few moments, and ‘spell’ out each letter of their name.

By way of demonstration, you may wish to start by spelling your name. Allow your group up to 30 seconds to spell their name.

In no time at all, your audience will be bubbling with energy and laughter.

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