Cat and Mouse Game
Cat and Mouse is a fun icebreaker to engage, energize and excite a large crowd of people gathered in a large auditorium.
Choose or invite two volunteers seated in opposing corners of the room. Be sure to choose two people who are situated as far away from each other as possible.
Nominate one of these people to be the Cat, and the other person to be the Mouse.
Next, instruct the Cat to repeat the word “CAT” loudly and frequently – at least 2 or 3 times – and then tap the shoulder of any person close to them to pass the Cat on.
This tapping motion effectively moves the Cat around the room. And, anyone within reach of the Cat can be enlisted to become the Cat – left, right, front or back neighbours are all eligible to be tapped.
Then, turn your attention to the Mouse. Same thing, different animal.
The Mouse is instructed to repeat the word “MOUSE” loudly and frequently, and then tap the shoulder of any person close to them to move the Mouse. Practice this move if you think it’s necessary.
Announce that you want the Cat to chase the Mouse and get close enough to tap it on the shoulder to effectively catch it. The Cat and the Mouse will soon move positions very quickly.
Remind your group that both the Cat and the Mouse can be moved around the audience in any direction, at any time.
At the end of the game, you can ask people how they feel before starting the workshop. Did you like the game? Because?
Were you surprised by the level of enthusiasm that was generated? How did it feel to be on two teams: the Cat and the Mouse?
Are you energized to start the workshop?
Announce that the Cat has 30 seconds to catch (tag) the person with the Mouse. When ready, call “GO.”
If the Cat catches the Mouse before the time expires, the Cat wins. If the Mouse survives for 30 seconds, the Mouse wins.
The topics of this publication: interactions, motivation, disinhibition, distension, energize