Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts

Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts

My Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts

Bowl of Affirmative Thoughts is an amazing reflection exercise to encourage positive sharing and develop positive self-awareness.

Your first task is to grab some paper and cut a lot of short strips of paper. Invite your group to gather in a circle on the floor or wherever they are comfortable.

Give each person a bowl to place in front of them. Announce to your group that they will soon be able to support each other by doling out positive affirmations in each person’s bowls.

The aim is to help and support people to improve their general well-being by recognizing its positive aspects. Esta estrategia es ideal porque a veces puede generar niveles muy profundos de apoyo mutuo.

When ready, allow plenty of time for people to write positive affirmations from other people on the strips of paper. They have to put each statement in the recipient container.

Al final de la actividad, debería ver los recipientes lleno de pequeños trozos de papel, todos con un montón de pensamientos positivos y afirmaciones de su grupo. Invite a una persona a la vez a sacar al azar uno de los pequeños pedazos de papel del tazón y leer en voz alta lo que está escrito en él para el grupo.

Moment of Reflection
  • Was it difficult to share the positive thoughts? Why?
  • Do you see yourself reading the affirmations you received daily? Why or why not?
  • Do you think your affirmations can inspire more self-love and confidence?
  • Has anyone had statements similar to yours? How did that make you feel?
  • What did you like the most about this activity? What inspired you from this exercise?
  • Why do you think this exercise is useful in the life of our group?

The topics of this publication: reflectiontrusthonestyself, empathy, strengths, feedback, integration, interactions, foster relationships

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