The Dream Trip Exercise
Dream Trip will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation. This is a light-hearted introductory activity, which encourages participants to find out a bit more about their work colleagues.
Working in pairs, participants are asked to describe how they would spend their time and money if they were given one month away from usual work and domestic routines and responsibilities with an unlimited budget. These Dream Trips are then shared with the group as a whole.
Can be carried out in any format, but tables set up for teamwork encourages communication. Travel books and holiday brochures can provide a useful source of ideas if the group need prompting.
In advance, spend time thinking about your own dream trip so that you can give it as an example if required.
Explain that this exercise will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation. Tell the group that they will have ten minutes to write a travel itinerary for their ‘Dream Trip’.
Ask them to imagine that their employer is so pleased with their performance that they have been awarded a month of paid leave and an unlimited travel budget. In addition, a team of domestic staff and child carers are available to take care of their responsibilities at home so they can choose whether or not to take their families with them.
Reiterate that the itinerary must contain as much detail as possible, including who would be travelling, by what means, air, sea or train and in what class. Explain that you want them to include accommodation details and a list of the places they would visit, even down to the photographs they would take.
Give time warning by announcing when there are 5, 3 and 1 minute/s left. After 10 minutes check that the majority of the group have finished and call time or offer an extension of 1 or 2 minutes as you see fit.
Moment of Reflection
Before asking participants to reveal their plans ask; How did it feel to spend ten minutes planning a dream? Is this a dream you had before today or is it brand new?
Encourage each person to share their itinerary either by seeking a volunteer or by selecting a willing candidate. Give positive feedback to each participant and don’t be afraid to ask why they have made the choices they have made.
Point out that when we take time to ask others what interests them we are far more able to understand what makes them tick. To conclude ask; What were you surprised to hear from others?
The topics of this publication: reflection, self, imagination, emotions, interactions, empathy, motivation, foster relationships, integration