Collecting all 13 Cards

Collecting all 13 Cards

The Game of Collecting all 13 Cards

Collecting all 13 cards is a simple and dynamic activity to develop team skills, as well as sharpen observation and memory skills.

In advance, select one suit of cards (13 cards) from a deck of playing cards, for example all 13 hearts. Out of sight of your group, place all the cards face down in a random pattern on the ground within a specified perimeter of approx 4 x 4 metres (13′ x 13′.)

Invite your group to stand on the outside perimeter. If this area is roped-off, it makes the game much easier to play and the rules much easier to govern.

Challenge your group to pick up all of the cards in sequence, flipping one card at a time, as quickly as possible. Only one person is entitled to be inside the perimeter at any point in time, but the team may choose to change this ‘picker’ person at any time as often as they wish.

When a card is picked up, if it is not the next card in the sequence, it must be placed back down. Otherwise, the person inside the perimeter will collect and keep the card.

Team members are entitled to assist their colleague inside the perimeter, eg point, talk, etc.

The task continues until all cards have been picked-up in order. Repeat the task several times aiming to record the fastest possible time.

It’s a good idea to provide a couple of minutes planning time in advance of each round to invite your group to consider a plan to undertake their task.

Moment of Reflection
  • At first, did you think this task was going to be easy or hard? Why?
  • What did your group focus on during its initial planning stages?
  • How were decisions made? – Did every idea get acknowledged and/or tried? Why or why not?
  • Did your group build any systems, and if so, were these beneficial?
  • How might this exercise reflect something about how your group works together?

The topics of this publication: interactionsstrategycollaborationteamwork, cooperation, planning

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