Hot Seat

Hot Seat

The Hot Seat Activity

Hot Seat is an interesting and attractive proposal to invite people from a small group in training to get to know each other. A good get-to-know-you game in which players take turn on a seat, being asked a barrage of questions, some hypothetical, some silly, and some interesting.

Take a chair and identify it as “the hot seat.” Set a timer for any length of time (e.g. something like 2 or 3 minutes should be plenty) and ask each person to take a turn on the seat.

Once they are seated, the timer begins and people may ask the seated person any question in rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — try to avoid asking these, as it can ruin the fun.

The players should be encouraged to ask good, meaningful questions that can allow the person to share significant and important things about himself or herself, such as:

  • “What would you do if you won the lottery?”
  • “If money were no object and you were guaranteed to be successful, what job would you do as a career?”
  • “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why?
  • “What three words would you use to describe yourself?”
  • “What was your most embarassing moment?”
  • “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”
  • “What were your greatest disappointments in your life?”

The game serves as a great way to get to know each other.

The topics of this publication: integrationinteractions, foster relationships, disinhibition, distension, empathy

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