Tag: disinhibition
The Bang Bang Game
The Bang Bang game is a simple and effective exercise to start a team building event because it really energizes the group
Caterpillar Challenge
The Caterpillar challenge is a physical game that teaches your team time management, communication, and strategy skills
Hula-Hoop Challenge
Hula-Hoop Challenge is a team-building game that builds trust and gives people the opportunity to solve problems together
A Compliment Circle
A Compliment Circle is an ideal activity to bring the team together and strengthen relationships through praise and mutual recognition
Workday of the Undead
The game Workday of the Undead is one of the most fun group team building exercises and operates on that same horror movie logic
6 Games for Unforgettable Parties
Create fantastic moments and celebrate your birthday, Christmas or New Year with these 6 Games for Unforgettable Parties
Cross the Circle
Cross the Circle is an engaging activity that provides a playful way for participants to find common ground with each other
My Name Backwards
My name backwards is ideal for new teams who don’t know each other yet and for participants to learn each other’s names
Appreciative Happiness
Appreciative Happiness is a simple exercise in appreciative inquiry and helps participants make connections with each other
Quick Fire Questions
Quick Fire Question facilitates quick, engaging, and often funny exchanges between team members to foster cohesion
Just One Lie
Just One Lie is an activity to help the group get to know each other better and make a long meeting some moments of light relief
Group Order
Group Order is an energizing activity that helps members of a group get to know each other, network, and recognize what they have in common
Portrait Gallery
The Portrait Gallery is an energetic game that gets participants interacting by having the group collaboratively draw portraits
Open Fist
Open Fist is an activity to make people discover a common interest in the team and thus increase cohesion and productivity
Better Connections
The Better Connections activity helps create a memorable experience where participants value sharing non-work related information