Tag: foster relationships
Appreciative Happiness
Appreciative Happiness is a simple exercise in appreciative inquiry and helps participants make connections with each other
Personal Presentations
The purpose of personal introductions is to help each participant get to know each other and generate openness in the group
Quick Fire Questions
Quick Fire Question facilitates quick, engaging, and often funny exchanges between team members to foster cohesion
Just One Lie
Just One Lie is an activity to help the group get to know each other better and make a long meeting some moments of light relief
Strengths Exercise
Appreciations Exercise is a powerful tool for self-esteem and helps people develop their motivation and self-confidence
Group Order
Group Order is an energizing activity that helps members of a group get to know each other, network, and recognize what they have in common
Social Network Webbing
Liberating Structures’ Social Network Webbing makes it easier to identify opportunities to build stronger, new connections
Birds of a Feather
With the Birds of a Feather activity you help illustrate how diverse teams can be more productive and creative
Portrait Gallery
The Portrait Gallery is an energetic game that gets participants interacting by having the group collaboratively draw portraits
Open Fist
Open Fist is an activity to make people discover a common interest in the team and thus increase cohesion and productivity
Better Connections
The Better Connections activity helps create a memorable experience where participants value sharing non-work related information
Stress Balls
Stress Balls is an effective energizer to help begin exploring team resilience, problem solving under pressure and teamwork
Appreciations Exercise
Appreciations Exercise is an activity to take advantage of a group moment to appreciate each member of the team and encourage everyone
Team Mission Statement
Creating a Team Mission Statement is a group activity meant to find out the common purpose of existence of the group through the team members
Host and Guests
Host and Guests game is a quick test of a person’s initiative and a good game to start a first team recognition