Toxic Waste Exercise
Toxic Waste is a creative exercise in collaboration and problem solving where the group must work together to achieve a goal. Many areas can be explored in this activity including leadership, problem solving, teamwork, communication skills and attention to detail.
For this exercise you will need 1 small cube and 1 large cube, 2 ropes, 1 loop of bungee cord, 8 bungee cords, 8 plastic balls or tennis balls. The challenge is transport toxic waste from one location to another and neutralise it.
Mark two circles on the floor with two ropes. Make each circle about 3m in diameter and allow 4m distance between them.
Place one empty bucket at the centre of one circle. Place another bucket with several balls in it at the centre of the other circle.
Explain that the task is to move the container of toxic waste from one circle to the other while observing safety regulations. They must then place the contents of the bucket into the empty bucket to neutralise the toxic waste.
Anyone who crosses the line into the radiation zone will be “injured” (you can blindfold them or make them hold one hand behind their back) or “die” (must sit out for the rest of the game). Dropping toxic waste balls will similarly result in injury, and spilling the entire bucket means everyone on the team is dead.
Use the following guidelines while monitoring the team’s activities
There is a lot of temptation to get closer to the toxic waste. Start with warnings about breaching the safe distance so delegates can have a chance to learn the game.
If repeated, issue statements such as:
- You cannot use your hands anymore
- You have radiated your legs and cannot use them anymore
- You have lost your eyesight (provide blindfolds which the person should wear for the rest of the game)
- You have lost your voice and cannot talk to others
- You have radiated your whole body and unfortunately cannot participate in the task anymore (unless the game is reset and everyone starts from the beginning)
- If the toxic waste is dropped, everyone dies
Reset the exercise and get them to start from the beginning.
Allow 5 to 10 minutes for planning and preparation.
Allow 20 minutes for them to carry out the task.
Once completed, congratulate them and then follow with a discussion.
The goal of this exercise, like most, is simply to get a group of people to work together to find a solution to a problem. The solution is not as important as the dynamics that occur in the group as they try to achieve the goal.
There may be different solutions and levels of difficulty depending on the materials provided.
Momento de Reflexión
- What areas of the exercise did you find most challenging and why?
- Did you nominate a leader to coordinate your activities?
- Did you utilise every team member’s specific skills and talent?
- Did everyone have a chance to contribute, in particular if they are naturally quieter?
- Were you happy with the way the team completed the task?
- What would you do differently if you had another chance?
The topics of this publication: interactions, integration, collaboration, teamwork, trust, adaptation, foster relationships, adaptability skills, cooperation, communication, leadership, strategy, energize, lateral thinking, role playing, planning