Tag: Integration
Random Crosswords
The Random Crosswords is a fast-paced activity to encourage collaboration, develop critical thinking and teamwork skills
Trust Line
Trust Line is a powerful trust-building physical exercise to promote empathy and collaboration in the group
Group Diversity
Group Diversity is a team-building strategy controlled by your group to encourage integration and interaction, and focus on critical thinking
Card Talk
Card Talk is a simple icebreaker that invites people to share things about themselves in an entertaining way to get to know each other more
Pictures and Memories
Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group
Writing Behind Your Back
Writing Behind Your Back is a fun, interactive and affirming trust-building energiser exercise and strengthen relationships
Electric Fence
Electric Fence is an extremely challenging exercise to promote collaboration, encourage effective communication and develop teamwork skills
Year Of The Coin
Year Of The Coin is a quick and simple activity to introduce people’s name knowledge using a common object.
4 Amazing Activities to Improve Communication
We propose 4 amazing activities to improve communication and help improve productivity and mitigate conflicts before they arise
Listen and Look
Listen and Look is a energizing and engaging activity that works virtually and is also extremely fun and simple
Quick Guessing
Quick Guessing is a highly entertaining team farce communication exercise in which players guess a word from a role-played clue
Walk and Lean
Walk and Lean is a great exercise for building pre-existing trust and spotting skills, as well as reinforcing the importance of relationships
Goals and Hands
Goals and Hands is a fantastic and creative strategy for exploring individual goal setting in relation to the group
Dice of the Questions
Dice of the Questions is an interesting icebreaker for face-to-face or virtual meetings that mixes the random with the structured
Bizarre Alphabet
The Bizarre Alphabet Bizarre Alphabet is one of the most engaging and energizing activities for large groups to…