Idea Starter Cards – To Stimulate New Ones
Encourage the generation of new ideas with the idea starter cards simple activity. Pass out thought-provoking cards and ask recipients to ponder and write down ideas.
Make a set of 10 cards with a different preprinted, open-ended question on each card.
These are some card ideas:
- The process/product is a lot like…
- The process/product isn’t like…
- The process/product would be better if…
- The process/product won’t work if…
- The process/product reminds me of…
- The process/product also helps…
- If the process/product was simpler…
- If the process/product was more complex…
A process or product is the focus of this set. However, once you see the premise of the game, it is easy to update them for any situation.
Pass out one to each team member and ask them to read it. Ask each person to keep the card close for 24 hours. (For example, if the person is leaving the office, it should be placed in a pocket or purse.)
Instruct each person to jot down thoughts that occur on the card, even if the information seems ridiculous or is not a direct response to the question on the card. Hold a meeting the next day and ask team members to share their ideas.