Back of the Napkin

Back of the Napkin

The Back of the Napkin Activity

Teams will have to work together and solve problems creatively for the back of the napkin activity to work. This simple exercise replicates this tiny canvas, giving participants something fun to do while promoting teamwork and outside-the-box thinking.

One trick to creative thinking is to explore different ways to express an idea. The objective is promote unconventional thinking and teamwork

Come up with a bunch of open ended problems. These could be related to your business, an imaginary product, an environmental problem, etc.

Divide all players into teams of 2 to 4 players – basically, what you would see in a team of startup co-founders. Ideally, these would be people who’ve never met or worked together.

Give each team a folded napkin and a pen. Ask the teams to draw a solution to the problem as a flow chart/sketch/graph.

The “back of the napkin” is where so many great product and startup ideas first came into being.

The topics of this publication: creativityimaginationcollaborationteamwork

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