The Fill the Bucket Game
Fill the Bucket is an extremely fun game for large groups that helps exercise physical dexterity and energize people.
In advance, position one or more empty buckets at one end of a large, open outdoor playing field, and one large barrel at the other end. Place one or more empty buckets 50m away from a large barrel filled with water.
When ready, form two equal teams. One team start in defence (protector of the buckets) and the other in offence (holder of the cups.)
Equip the offence group with a cup for each member. Instruct this team to fill their cups with water from the barrel and transport it as quickly as possible to fill the bucket(s) while attempting to avoid being tagged by the other team.
The protectors must maintain a distance of at least 10 metres (33’) from the water-filled barrel and the buckets. Announce that after playing several rounds, each team aims to fill their bucket(s) with as much water as possible.
If a person carrying a cup of water is tagged, they must tip the water over their head before returning to the barrel. Or, if the person holding a cup of water anticipates that they are about to be tagged, they may tip the water on their own head or the body of their opponent.
Play one or more 5 minute rounds before swapping roles, ie the protectors now take the cups, and the offensive team is now on the defence.
The team with the most water in their bucket(s) at the end of the game wins.
The topics of this publication: interactions, competencies, strategy, energize