The Balance with Nails Challenge
Balance with Nails is a hard-to-solve challenge game that inspires creativity, encourages lateral thinking, and builds teamwork skills.
In advance, hammer one nail partially (vertically) into the centre of the block of wood, ie approx 10mm. Check that the nail is fastened firmly into the wood, and then lay other 12 nails next to the block of wood.
Challenge your group to balance all 12 nails on top of the vertical nail. Announce that all nails (as a group) must be balanced on top of the nail at the same time and none of the 12 nails is permitted to touch the wood (or any other apparatus.)
When ready, dispense with any questions and then step back. Allow up to 30+ minutes to solve the problem.
Need to See the Solution?
Moment of Reflection
- At what point did you feel that you were getting frustrated? Why were you frustrated?
- Did you employ any strategies that helped you cope with the frustration?
- What helped your group discover a solution that worked?
- Once you saw the solution, what did you think?
- Could it be possible that other intractable problems in your life and work have a solution too, ie but you can’t see it yet?
The topics of this publication: honesty, reflection, self, lateral thinking, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, adaptability skills, strategy, leadership, role playing, planning, adaptation