Hold Up Papers Activity

Hold Up Papers

Hold Up Papers

Hold Up Papers is a teamwork activity that challenges participants to be creative in solving a simple problem: How many sheets of paper can two people hold? The papers must be kept (somehow, creatively!) Between their bodies.

In this activity, the group will be divided into smaller teams of 3. In each trio, one person will be assigned as the leader of that round.

He / she will instruct the other 2 team members on how to hold as many pieces of paper as possible between their bodies. All 3 team members can communicate with each other during the round, although the leader cannot physically help them complete the task.

Each round lasts 3 minutes. After the round is over, the team will record how many jobs were successfully completed. Then the other 2 team members will take turns leading rounds 2 and 3.

The activity ends when the 3 team members take turns as leaders.

Sheets of paper cannot be folded and You cannot use any other resources to hold the paper (for example, stickers, clothing). Each piece of paper must be in contact with both team members at the end of the round for it to count towards the score.

This activity allows participants to experience the same task as a leader and as a team player. It highlights the importance of communication skills and how both leading and following are essential to success.

The leader can only instruct the team members and cannot physically help prepare or place the sheets of paper.

Due to the close physical nature of this activity, it may be more suitable for participants who already know each other or as an activity carried out later in the program once the group has become comfortable with each other.

The topics of this publication: cooperationleadershipcreativity

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