Number Maze

Number Maze

The Number Maze

Number Maze is an energetic initiative ideal for challenging critical thinking skills and promoting collaboration.

To prepare, lay a long length of rope (at least 7 metres or 24′) on the floor and randomly place an equal number of numbered spot markers as you have people in your group, eg if you have 12 people, the spot markers will be labelled 1 through 12.

Announce that your group’s objective is to pass through the maze in the fastest possible time. And the route of the maze is marked by the set of numbered spots which lay before them.

Ask each person to stand on top of one of the spot markers. Only after all the spots are covered, may each team member begin to move completely through the maze, from spot to spot in ascending order.

  • No person is entitled to touch any other team member while negotiating the maze
  • No one may step outside the circle while passing through the maze

Provided these two parameters are met, an individual is permitted to stand anywhere else inside the circle in an effort to solve the problem.

Only after everyone has returned to their original spot may all team members exit the maze.

Provide ample opportunities for your group to identify the various problems and time to plan and solve them. Using a stopwatch, time the time from when the first person enters the circle to when the last person leaves the circle.

Invite your group to reflect on their process of solving problems and working together.

See also  Goals and Hands
Moment of Reflection
  • What were the greatest challenges you faced as a group? As an individual?
  • Comment on your group’s process of working together to solve the problem, ie did you work as individuals, or as a team?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your group’s level of quality control?
  • Can you apply any lessons from this exercise to the life of our group?

The topics of this publication: interactions, strategy, collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, leadership, adaptability skills, critical thinking, adaptation

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