The Critical Thinking Game
The critical thinking game is one of the most fun meeting ideas where you can use a lateral thinking exercise to ask people questions and have them make a difficult choice under pressure.
The questions you can ask are – “What are the 3 things you would bring to a deserted island and why?”
Give each person only 2 minutes to think about their answers, then go around taking turns to discuss them. You will be amazed by how differently people think and plan their lists.
Some answers might be humorous, while others could be very practical.
During this exciting get to know your coworkers game, people might instantly bond if they share the same items or thought process.
If you want more than an icebreaker, make it a bigger project by adding layers. For example, give team members roles that match or don’t fit their skills and experiences.
Games like these are for remote workers to strengthen communication skills to emphasize a shared identity in any organization. This is even more necessary now due to social distancing and people working from home so that nobody is left feeling isolated and unsupported.
The topics of this publication: integration, interactions, critical thinking, strategy, self