Fast Rhyme

Fast Rhyme

Fast Rhyme is a group icebreaker activity and fun elimination game to develop creative thinking, active listening and concentration

Clap and Click

Clap and Click

Clap and Click is a simple but entertaining rhythm game that is great fun for remembering people’s names

Push or Catch

Push or Catch

Push or Catch is a challenging quick reflex exercise that is simple, energizing, and highly engaging for small groups

Game of the Treasures

Game of the Treasures

Game of the Treasures is a kind of urgent treasure hunt to inspire creativity, promote collaboration and teamwork

Numbers Shake

Numbers Shake

Numbers Shake is a very simple and energizing team building exercise to develop planning and cooperation skills

Roll of Toilet Paper

Roll of Toilet Paper

Roll of Toilet Paper is an amusing activity to introduce the knowledge of the names of the people of the new groups in formation

The Secret Key

The Secret Key

The Secret Key is a fun and clever game to inspire the imagination, exercise lateral thinking, and strengthen relationships

Irony Questions

Irony Questions

The activity of Irony Questions is a powerful and engaging atrategy to occupy downtime and help people connect

Fill the Bucket

Fill the Bucket

Fill the Bucket is an extremely fun game for large groups that helps exercise physical dexterity and energize people

Balloon Orchestra

Balloon Orchestra

Balloon Orchestra is a fun and interactive balloon game to icebreaker and energizer the group before starting a new activity

Card Talk

Card Talk

Card Talk is a simple icebreaker that invites people to share things about themselves in an entertaining way to get to know each other more

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories

Pictures and Memories is a fun and quick storytelling activity to share experiences, strengthen relationships, and energize the group

Year Of The Coin

Year Of The Coin

Year Of The Coin is a quick and simple activity to introduce people’s name knowledge using a common object.

All Aboard

All Aboard

All aboard is a fantastic and amazing exercise to challenge your group to creatively encourage the best strategy and planning

Burning Ball

Burning Ball

Burning Ball is a quick elimination game that develops physical skills and encourages people to think strategically

Listen and Look

Listen and Look

Listen and Look is a energizing and engaging activity that works virtually and is also extremely fun and simple

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions

Dice of the Questions is an interesting icebreaker for face-to-face or virtual meetings that mixes the random with the structured

Bizarre Alphabet

Bizarre Alphabet

The Bizarre Alphabet Bizarre Alphabet is one of the most engaging and energizing activities for large groups to…