Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Quote of the day is a simple but powerful opening exercise to promote reflection and the exchange of ideas.

Blind Polygon

Blind Polygon

Blind Polygon is an ideal activity for small and large groups to improve communication skills and encourage collaboration

Trust Building

Trust Building

Trust building is a highly dynamic team activity dedicated to building and reinforcing trust between people in the group

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

The paradigm shift is a quick, powerful and engaging exercise in exploring the importance of different perspectives

Crossed Ropes

Crossed Ropes

Crossed ropes is a group activity that promotes interaction, encourages collaboration, and focuses on perspectives

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Take your company’s mission statement and turn them into the popular Mad Lib game. To do this, remove key nouns, verbs, and adjectives

Make Your Own Movie

Make Your Own Movie

Make your own movie is great for collaboration, creative problem solving and improving your employees’ organizational skills

Culture Shock

Culture Shock

Culture shock is not only a entertaining game, but it can also form the catalyst of a very powerful learning experience for your group

Standups Over Coffee

Standups Over Coffee

The standups over coffee activity objective is build camaraderie, improve communication and foster relationships.

The Ladder

The Ladder

The ladder is an interesting group activity because it requires teamwork and challenges people physically and emotionally

Friendly Flyers

Friendly Flyers

The goals of the friendly flyer activity are to develop a competitive spirit while learning about the group you are working with

The Pay-Off Game

The Pay-Off Game

The Pay-Off is an interesting and challenging trust-building game to explore the impacts of competition between people

Rose, Thorn and Bud

Rose Thorn and Bud

The game of rose, thorn and bud is amazing because it creates a shared feeling of optimism and energy among the team

Calculator Game

Calculator Game

The calculator game promotes better communication between team members and highlights the importance of planning

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories is a team building activity will inspire storytelling, encourage spontaneity, and improve team bonding