Game-Based Learning

Game-Based Learning

What Is Game-Based Learning?

Game-based learning is an active learning technique that uses games to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This technique incorporates game characteristics and principles into learning activities.

This type of learning can be achieved through digital or non-digital games and simulations that allow people to experience learning firsthand. Learning activities inspire people engagement and enthusiasm to learn.

Point systems, badges, leaderboards, discussion forums, and online quizzes are components included in game-based learning. Points can be accompanied by benefits, such as a small prize (chocolates) upon reaching a certain point threshold.

The “Monopoly” game contains all the necessary elements, including the story, characters, points, competition and many other features. There are numerous examples of “Monopoly” type games with modified rules to apply to various groups.

In conclusion, this type of learning is a great way for people to practice and improve creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It is based on the use of imagination, instructors can give people the freedom to propose solutions and ideas that increase their level of creativity.

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