Find Powerful Words Technique
Find Powerful Words is a fantastic group technique to exercise and build more concise and powerful affirmations. This exercise can also be done in writing, but it is more difficult out loud, so it is worth doing (even if it is more difficult).
Debate can be overwhelming if you have not yet built up your spontaneous speaking and argumentation skills. Drills can help you keep sharp and focus on specific skills related to argumentation.
In a circle, have one person state an argumentative claim in a complete sentence with reasoning. For instance, “Schools should increase funding for mental health services because dealing with stress helps students do better academically.”
The next person in the circle then restates the claim, but with fewer words. The next person builds on the new version but with more powerful words (i.e. “Schools are responsible for students’ mental health to prevent academic failure.”)
Repeat until the claim is concise with powerful words and then have someone start a new claim.
This technique is designed to be performed in groups or pairs, however it can be practiced individually. You just have to make slight variations to the instructions, writing the affirmations on paper until you can no longer narrow down the affirmation.